Here Be Monsters (Leaving dA page)

In a nutshell

  1. Original

    This is what we're coming from....


  2. Final Customer Spec'd Solution

    Final draft, based on customer feedback

    a) standard link

    b) shortened link, showing original plus expanded links

  3. Design (UI) Preferred Solution

    This concept removes Fella and replaces him with some more playfull tentacles, making more of a feature of this otherwise friction inducing page. It also follows our newer single page (error / 404) style to keep consistant branding.

  4. Other Concepts

    Version 1 - Straight Uplift

    Version 2 - Pushing the style a little....

    Version 3 - removing Fella and adding in something a little more playfull.

    Version 4 - straight link
    If a user gets a non-shortened link, this is what they see.

    Version 4 - shortened link (expanded)
    Basically, if someone uses a URL shortener, we're expanding it on the fly and displaying both the shortened (original link) and the full link to make sure the user can double check their intent.

    Version 5 - straight link

    Version 5 - shortened link (expanded)

    Version 6 - this follows more closely our new 404 style

    Version 6 - same as the above but with a more enhanced tentacle image

    Version 7 - less focus on the tentacles.

    Version 8 - Adds Fella back in to match our 404 error style closer.