
Choose your favorite #Zelda deviation to start your ArtVenture!

Zelda's background

Zelda lay in her bed, staring at her ceiling, thinking of adventure. Her mind wandered off and soon enough she had fallen into a dream. She was in the middle of a vast forest with nothing but the shirt on her back and a wooden sword in her hand.

King Moblin

As she journeyed deeper into the forest, she encountered King Moblin, a hulking beast of a creature with a massive spiked club and a penchant for mischief.
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Korok Forest

In this dense, towering forest she meets Kiki, a cheeky Korok with a mischievous grin who quickly joins her on her quest for adventure.
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Fairy in a Bottle

After surviving a harrowing encounter with King Moblin, she uncovers a Fairy in a Bottle, an ethereal creature with the power to heal her wounds and protect her from harm.
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Korok Forest

Korok Forest

As they journey through the Korok Forest, Zelda and Kiki stumbled upon a map that leads to Mount Gutwrench, a treacherous peak that is said to be home to the legendary Sword of Halcyon. With the promise of fame and fortune, the duo sets off towards the mountain, but not before running into a menacing group of goblin bandits who want the sword for their own evil purposes.

Goblin Horde

A group of vicious goblin bandits led by the cunning and ruthless Grimgor, who will stop at nothing to get their hands on the Sword of Halcyon.
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The Sword of Halcyon

The legendary sword forged by the gods themselves that holds unimaginable power, said to grant the wielder unparalleled strength and invincibility.
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Frozen Tundra

A cold wasteland, blanketed in snow and ice where the temperature drops so low that even the rivers freeze, it lies between Zelda and Mount Gutwrench, and the journey life-threatening.
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Goblin Horde

Goblin Horde

As Zelda and Kiki make their way up Mount Gutwrench, with the goblin horde hot on their heels, they come across the ancient troll, Grimskull, who was known for his magical powers and ability to manipulate the elements. Will he help or harm them?

Crystal Cove

A crystal-clear cove filled with vibrant coral and peculiar sea creatures. It may offer an escape from their pursuers.
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A fearsome magical artifact that summons the destructive power of nature, perfect for defeating the goblin horde but at what cost to the environment?
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Magic Mirror

An enchanted mirror that has the power to reveal the truest desires of one's heart - will it assist in defeating the goblin horde or lead the group to their doom?
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Magic Mirror

Magic Mirror

As Zelda and Kiki make their way up Mount Gutwrench, with the goblin horde hot on their heels, they come across the ancient troll, Grimskull, who was known for his magical powers and ability to manipulate the elements. Will he help or harm them?

Time Stone

A powerful artifact that has the power to manipulate time itself. Will wielding it give Zelda and Kiki the ability to escape the goblin horde and change the course of their fate?
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The End

This card marks the end of the adventure - will the Sword of Halcyon be claimed, or will the goblin horde triumph? It's up to you, dear player, to decide!
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Cosmic Guardian

A mysterious figure with the power to bend the elements to her will, and a reputation as a fearsome protector of the cosmos. Will she aid Zelda and Kiki in their quest, or stand in their way?
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The End

The End

Zelda awakens from her dream, with the memories of her adventure fresh in her mind. She looks out of her window and gazes at the starry sky, wondering where her next adventure will take her.


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