
Stanley Lau, Professional Digital Artist

Born and bred in Hong Kong, the multifaceted Stanley wears different hats as an illustrator, designer, concept artist, creative director and co-founder of Imaginary Friends Studios.

Star Wars: A New Hope

I went to a midnight screening of SW:ANH last night.

So does it live up to the hype? Was it better than the prequels? Is it a fitting continuation of the original films? Should you go see it? Am I really tired?

Yes. Omg yes. Totally yes. Absolutely yes. Yes.

There's also a good mix of old and new characters - on both sides. There's no filler characters here either. No Jar Jar role. Although BB-8 did concern me when he was first introduced, it could have so easily been a complete disaster there, but luckily it's not. He's not going to take R2s crown, but he's definitely right up there.

The set pieces are stunning. I got lost in the magic of the visuals at many points in the film. From the star destroyer grave through to lush woodland, every shot is just gorgeous. I would have been happy for the film to have just focused on that wrecked star destroyer - I mean wow what an awesome concept to go explore right?

I was also very very excited to see Puzzle Wood being used in one set of sequences - this is an amazing Roman open cast iron ore mine in the Forest of Dean and I've been to walk in it many times. I literally wanted to get up and shout I'VE BEEN THERE, but no one likes a crazy at a film, right?

It's so hard to not give anything away whilst writing a review of this film - SOOOO much I want to discuss... but I don't want to spoil it for you guys. Is it better than Empire? No. Is it better than Jedi? I'd say it's a close run thing. It might just be and boy what an accolade that is.

Go see it. Enjoy it. Love it. Let your inner child embrace it. I did and I'm not afraid to admit it.

May the Force be with you.

I hope you'll make this because that's just amazing! I'm following your page on Facebook too.