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Collected by starvingartist 89 deviations from 71 deviants 23 Followers

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Means to an End

You trot into the safety of camp eagerly, Helvalla is no place for Felvargs to traverse alone after all. You saw no sign of Saga, even though the two of you traveled to the northern reaches of Helvalla together just as Fenrir had instructed. Equally no sign of Aurora and Loki, of whom both fled together after the violent quakes last night.

Hel stood up on all fours and pinned her ears backwards with the heartbreak of a thousand losses yet no expression surfaced on her face, “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a void to catch before it’s too late. I suggest you make your choice,” Hel began walking off into the distance before she turned her head back without making eye contact, “Well don’t just stand there halfway through Heidrun, Leadpaw,” and with that Hel disappeared into the darkness of the forest towards camp. Where she had waited for nightfall and stepped through the void into Ulfrheim, but not before giving it one last glance of hurt.

Depict your Felvarg making haste back to camp. Your Felvarg should appear to be panicked and in a rush. You’re within the forest that borders the lake next to camp.

Requirements for this final chapter phase have been slightly adjusted.

1,800+ Words

Images must be colored, shaded, show 90% of your Felvarg and your canvas no smaller than 600 (h) x 1000 (w) in landscape view.

This final chapter will be judged against your best literature and art examples within your gallery.

Beast Hunt is coming in two weeks! Be prepared!

Player of the Month

Let's give a big howl to Volpe3847 for being nominated as July's Felvarg of the Month! From land to sea, it is clear that Volpe enjoys his time in the world of Ulfrheim. With the beautiful artwork he is depicted in, it is clear just how much mourndoe loves this guy! As Volpe is still a young soul, we hope to see him much more across Ulfrheim as his story continues to blossom!

Awarded May 2008

Profile Comments

About Artgerm

Stanley Lau
Professional Digital Artist
  • He/Him
  • Singapore
  • Jan 24
  • Deviant for 18 years
Favourite visual artist
Jim Lee
Favourite movies
Be With You (Japanese)
Favourite tv shows
Parks and Recreation
Favourite books
Sleeper, Watchmen


Born and bred in Hong Kong, the multifaceted Stanley wears different hats as an illustrator, designer, concept artist, creative director and co-founder of Imaginary Friends Studios — a world acclaimed digital art studio that produces high quality artworks for the likes of Capcom, DC Comics, Square Enix and other giants in the entertainment and gaming industry. Formally trained in graphic design and advertising, Stanley's art is imbued with a strong sense of aesthetics and visual fluidity. It is a perfect blend of eastern and western art styles. Better known by his handle Artgerm, Stanley's art continues to infect and inspire new generations of artists and his ever-growing fan base around the world. Recently, Stanley was contracted by Capcom to provide new character artwork for the upcoming releases of Street Fighter III Third Strike Online Edition.

Deviousness Award

`Artgerm has very humble beginnings here on deviantART. He began like you or I, just another deviant in a sea of many, and he quietly introduced his art to us, one work at a time. It was immediately recognizable that he had talent, but had not refined it quite yet. Over the years, he took the communities feedback to heart, and offered up his own back. Along the way he became one of the most recognized artists on the site.

And not by following trends or holding his popularity up as a mirror to others, but by sheer hard work and determination and commitment to those who considered themselves fans of his work and believers in his talent.

His passion and dedication can serve as an example to all of us here. Following your own road may take longer, but as you can see, it is well worth the work.

So congratulations to `Artgerm, recipient of deviousness for May of 2008.

Awarded May 2008