Street Fighter

Leave a comment, $spyed:




When will you guys being doing another tribute book? My sister bought the first one. Super awesome work putting it together guys! I would like to submit some art for the next one.
about 18 hours ago


You are THE BEST!!!
2 days ago


Our artists will be drawing head sketches and also full-size commission pieces. You're free to chat with them while they draw, even if the drawing they're working on isn't yours, just be polite and don't take up too much time if other people are waiting to chat too.

Our editors will be there and can look at portfolios, but we'd recommend showing a portfolio not just sketches. Sketchbook material is great for practice but isn't really a good judge of your professional quality final work.

Sunday is just the day of our panel. We'll be at Fan Expo all weekend at our booth.

Thanks for your enthusiasm! See you there.

2 days ago

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Street Fighter News
Fan Expo 2010 Roundup

UDON gave two panel presentations at this past weekends Fan Expo Canada in Toronto Ontario.

Jim Zubkavich gave a talk on UDON’s 10th anniversary, covering UDON’s history, some of UDON’s newest and upcoming books, and our creative services division.You can read a summary of the UDON panel at

UDON also brought Mega Man manga artist Hitoshi Ariga over from Japan to visit the Canadian fans. Ariga participated in a Q&A sessions with fans, moderate by UDON’s managing editor Matt Moylan and translator/Japanese editor Kirie Hayashi.

Listen to an audio recording Ariga’s Q&A here: Hitoshi Ariga Panel

Thanks go to Jamie Coville of for his recording and photos of the Hitoshi Ariga panel.

1520 Preview
Batman & Robin

Hello to all our new followers! Feel free to @ us re: stuff you'd like us to tweet about (right now it's mostly news & release updates).

AC #1


Chew Omnibus
Imagine Prime

For those who missed it, here's a detailed summary of @UdonCrew's Fan Expo Canada panel by Comic Book Resources:




When will you guys being doing another tribute book? My sister bought the first one. Super awesome work putting it together guys! I would like to submit some art for the next one.
about 18 hours ago


You are THE BEST!!!
2 days ago


Our artists will be drawing head sketches and also full-size commission pieces. You're free to chat with them while they draw, even if the drawing they're working on isn't yours, just be polite and don't take up too much time if other people are waiting to chat too.

Our editors will be there and can look at portfolios, but we'd recommend showing a portfolio not just sketches. Sketchbook material is great for practice but isn't really a good judge of your professional quality final work.

Sunday is just the day of our panel. We'll be at Fan Expo all weekend at our booth.

Thanks for your enthusiasm! See you there.

2 days ago

Leave a comment, $spyed:
