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Alice X. Zhang — Designer & Illustrator

Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Airplane God by Chander-lieve is a magnificent artwork that tells a fascinating story.

Featured by lovelessdevotions

Chincol by highdarktemplar

Suggested by GeorgeXVII
Featured by JunkbyJen

Forest-Stock II by Mocris A lovely moody forest scene is set by Mocris's Forest-Stock II. It will induce an instant atmosphere wherever wanted.

Featured by mercurycode

miniature ice cream V by FatalPotato The textures, colors and translucency are perfectly created for the maximum realism, despite the small scale.

Suggested by JustALittleCrafting
Featured by Talty

Priestess by octobre-rouge A fascinating darkness engulfs Priestess by octobre-rouge, sweetened with stunning colors and effects.

Featured by ErikShoemaker

Saber Nero by Disharmonica Awesome cosplay, very vibrant and eye catching.

Featured by pullingcandy

soft by MartaSyrko

Featured by Queen-Kitty

The Gauntlet by Phlum

Featured by Moonbeam13
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