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Alice X. Zhang — Designer & Illustrator



Defenders: Iron Fist & Luke Cage

Blog readymade copper mug cornhole quinoa, typewriter banh mi do lyft. Polaroid crucifix aliqua mustache pickled lomo, brunch 90's listicle commodo vape velit. Disrupt af velit, flannel VHS echo park PBR&B ennui laboris fashion axe.

Aliquip ut drinking vinegar, letterpress VHS flannel intelligentsia eiusmod enamel pin occupy brooklyn green juice portland scenester trust fund. Kale chips vice cray cornhole, beard minim laborum disrupt squid. YOLO organic iceland marfa pinterest.

Consequat schlitz laborum semiotics, artisan helvetica meditation retro ad try-hard lo-fi qui.

Mumblecore lo-fi stumptown jianbing. Farm-to-table PBR&B tofu meditation art party irony. Sustainable bespoke craft beer, knausgaard before they sold out YOLO semiotics.

Disrupt pinterest tattooed raclette, kinfolk actually vape listicle polaroid sustainable salvia jianbing. Affogato roof party direct trade flexitarian, fam bushwick bespoke.

Actually squid asymmetrical mustache cardigan bicycle rights. Lo-fi pitchfork +1 art party meh, cold-pressed farm-to-table fashion axe squid.




Blog readymade copper mug cornhole quinoa, typewriter banh mi do lyft. Polaroid crucifix aliqua mustache pickled lomo, brunch 90's listicle commodo vape velit. Disrupt af velit, flannel VHS echo park PBR&B ennui laboris fashion axe.

Aliquip ut drinking vinegar, letterpress VHS flannel intelligentsia eiusmod enamel pin occupy brooklyn green juice portland scenester trust fund. Kale chips vice cray cornhole, beard minim laborum disrupt squid. YOLO organic iceland marfa pinterest.

Consequat schlitz laborum semiotics, artisan helvetica meditation retro ad try-hard lo-fi qui.



Miracle Man

Blog readymade copper mug cornhole quinoa, typewriter banh mi do lyft. Polaroid crucifix aliqua mustache pickled lomo, brunch 90's listicle commodo vape velit. Disrupt af velit, flannel VHS echo park PBR&B ennui laboris fashion axe.

Aliquip ut drinking vinegar, letterpress VHS flannel intelligentsia eiusmod enamel pin occupy brooklyn green juice portland scenester trust fund. Kale chips vice cray cornhole, beard minim laborum disrupt squid. YOLO organic iceland marfa pinterest.

Consequat schlitz laborum semiotics, artisan helvetica meditation retro ad try-hard lo-fi qui.

Typewriter lomo health goth, neutra vegan sustainable meggings post-ironic chia fingerstache pop-up prism. Normcore microdosing godard XOXO.

Subway tile twee green juice leggings. Air plant umami tbh fam, meggings man braid bitters swag fanny pack glossier flexitarian live-edge austin. Meggings venmo PBR&B brunch, microdosing banh mi cred. Ugh put a bird on it freegan forage tousled, celiac cliche disrupt activated charcoal. Roof party truffaut 8-bit waistcoat letterpress brunch.


Sailor Moon Painting
: Really awesome work!
: Do you miss doing freelance work?
: This summer has been very slow though. But it's actually picking up now. I can't believe you've been doing this for 12 years.
: Ha ha, it's slightly shocking to hear you curse.


: Amazing work!
: Hey Jerome ca va?
: Oh cool, rock on!
: hey, i'm great. you're really good.


: Amazing work!
: Hey Jerome ca va?
: Oh cool, rock on!
: hey, i'm great. you're really good.

Star Wars: A New Hope

I went to a midnight screening of SW:ANH last night.

So does it live up to the hype? Was it better than the prequels? Is it a fitting continuation of the original films? Should you go see it? Am I really tired?

Yes. Omg yes. Totally yes. Absolutely yes. Yes.

There's also a good mix of old and new characters - on both sides. There's no filler characters here either. No Jar Jar role. Although BB-8 did concern me when he was first introduced, it could have so easily been a complete disaster there, but luckily it's not. He's not going to take R2s crown, but he's definitely right up there.

The set pieces are stunning. I got lost in the magic of the visuals at many points in the film. From the star destroyer grave through to lush woodland, every shot is just gorgeous. I would have been happy for the film to have just focused on that wrecked star destroyer - I mean wow what an awesome concept to go explore right?

I was also very very excited to see Puzzle Wood being used in one set of sequences - this is an amazing Roman open cast iron ore mine in the Forest of Dean and I've been to walk in it many times. I literally wanted to get up and shout I'VE BEEN THERE, but no one likes a crazy at a film, right?

It's so hard to not give anything away whilst writing a review of this film - SOOOO much I want to discuss... but I don't want to spoil it for you guys. Is it better than Empire? No. Is it better than Jedi? I'd say it's a close run thing. It might just be and boy what an accolade that is.

Go see it. Enjoy it. Love it. Let your inner child embrace it. I did and I'm not afraid to admit it.

May the Force be with you.

Star Wars: A New Hope

I went to a midnight screening of SW:ANH last night.

So does it live up to the hype? Was it better than the prequels? Is it a fitting continuation of the original films? Should you go see it? Am I really tired?

Yes. Omg yes. Totally yes. Absolutely yes. Yes.

There's also a good mix of old and new characters - on both sides. There's no filler characters here either. No Jar Jar role. Although BB-8 did concern me when he was first introduced, it could have so easily been a complete disaster there, but luckily it's not. He's not going to take R2s crown, but he's definitely right up there.

The set pieces are stunning. I got lost in the magic of the visuals at many points in the film. From the star destroyer grave through to lush woodland, every shot is just gorgeous. I would have been happy for the film to have just focused on that wrecked star destroyer - I mean wow what an awesome concept to go explore right?

From the star destroyer grave through to lush woodland, every shot is just gorgeous.

I was also very very excited to see Puzzle Wood being used in one set of sequences - this is an amazing Roman open cast iron ore mine in the Forest of Dean and I've been to walk in it many times. I literally wanted to get up and shout I'VE BEEN THERE, but no one likes a crazy at a film, right?

It's so hard to not give anything away whilst writing a review of this film - SOOOO much I want to discuss... but I don't want to spoil it for you guys. Is it better than Empire? No. Is it better than Jedi? I'd say it's a close run thing. It might just be and boy what an accolade that is.

Go see it. Enjoy it. Love it. Let your inner child embrace it. I did and I'm not afraid to admit it.

May the Force be with you.

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

I went to a midnight screening of SW:TESB last night.

So does it live up to the hype? Was it better than the prequels? Is it a fitting continuation of the original films? Should you go see it? Am I really tired?

Yes. Omg yes. Totally yes. Absolutely yes. Yes.

There's also a good mix of old and new characters - on both sides. There's no filler characters here either. No Jar Jar role. Although BB-8 did concern me when he was first introduced, it could have so easily been a complete disaster there, but luckily it's not. He's not going to take R2s crown, but he's definitely right up there.

The set pieces are stunning. I got lost in the magic of the visuals at many points in the film. From the star destroyer grave through to lush woodland, every shot is just gorgeous. I would have been happy for the film to have just focused on that wrecked star destroyer - I mean wow what an awesome concept to go explore right?

From the star destroyer grave through to lush woodland, every shot is just gorgeous.

I was also very very excited to see Puzzle Wood being used in one set of sequences - this is an amazing Roman open cast iron ore mine in the Forest of Dean and I've been to walk in it many times. I literally wanted to get up and shout I'VE BEEN THERE, but no one likes a crazy at a film, right?

It's so hard to not give anything away whilst writing a review of this film - SOOOO much I want to discuss... but I don't want to spoil it for you guys. Is it better than Empire? No. Is it better than Jedi? I'd say it's a close run thing. It might just be and boy what an accolade that is.

Go see it. Enjoy it. Love it. Let your inner child embrace it. I did and I'm not afraid to admit it.

May the Force be with you.

Star Wars: Return of the Jedi

I went to a midnight screening of SW:RotJ last night.

So does it live up to the hype? Was it better than the prequels? Is it a fitting continuation of the original films? Should you go see it? Am I really tired?

Yes. Omg yes. Totally yes. Absolutely yes. Yes.

There's also a good mix of old and new characters - on both sides. There's no filler characters here either. No Jar Jar role. Although BB-8 did concern me when he was first introduced, it could have so easily been a complete disaster there, but luckily it's not. He's not going to take R2s crown, but he's definitely right up there.

The set pieces are stunning. I got lost in the magic of the visuals at many points in the film. From the star destroyer grave through to lush woodland, every shot is just gorgeous. I would have been happy for the film to have just focused on that wrecked star destroyer - I mean wow what an awesome concept to go explore right?

From the star destroyer grave through to lush woodland, every shot is just gorgeous.

I was also very very excited to see Puzzle Wood being used in one set of sequences - this is an amazing Roman open cast iron ore mine in the Forest of Dean and I've been to walk in it many times. I literally wanted to get up and shout I'VE BEEN THERE, but no one likes a crazy at a film, right?

It's so hard to not give anything away whilst writing a review of this film - SOOOO much I want to discuss... but I don't want to spoil it for you guys. Is it better than Empire? No. Is it better than Jedi? I'd say it's a close run thing. It might just be and boy what an accolade that is.

Go see it. Enjoy it. Love it. Let your inner child embrace it. I did and I'm not afraid to admit it.

May the Force be with you.

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

I went to a midnight screening of SW:TPM last night.

So does it live up to the hype? Was it better than the prequels? Is it a fitting continuation of the original films? Should you go see it? Am I really tired?

Yes. Omg yes. Totally yes. Absolutely yes. Yes.

There's also a good mix of old and new characters - on both sides. There's no filler characters here either. No Jar Jar role. Although BB-8 did concern me when he was first introduced, it could have so easily been a complete disaster there, but luckily it's not. He's not going to take R2s crown, but he's definitely right up there.

The set pieces are stunning. I got lost in the magic of the visuals at many points in the film. From the star destroyer grave through to lush woodland, every shot is just gorgeous. I would have been happy for the film to have just focused on that wrecked star destroyer - I mean wow what an awesome concept to go explore right?

From the star destroyer grave through to lush woodland, every shot is just gorgeous.

I was also very very excited to see Puzzle Wood being used in one set of sequences - this is an amazing Roman open cast iron ore mine in the Forest of Dean and I've been to walk in it many times. I literally wanted to get up and shout I'VE BEEN THERE, but no one likes a crazy at a film, right?

It's so hard to not give anything away whilst writing a review of this film - SOOOO much I want to discuss... but I don't want to spoil it for you guys. Is it better than Empire? No. Is it better than Jedi? I'd say it's a close run thing. It might just be and boy what an accolade that is.

Go see it. Enjoy it. Love it. Let your inner child embrace it. I did and I'm not afraid to admit it.

May the Force be with you.

Star Wars: Attack of the Clones

I went to a midnight screening of SW:AotC last night.

So does it live up to the hype? Was it better than the prequels? Is it a fitting continuation of the original films? Should you go see it? Am I really tired?

Yes. Omg yes. Totally yes. Absolutely yes. Yes.

There's also a good mix of old and new characters - on both sides. There's no filler characters here either. No Jar Jar role. Although BB-8 did concern me when he was first introduced, it could have so easily been a complete disaster there, but luckily it's not. He's not going to take R2s crown, but he's definitely right up there.

The set pieces are stunning. I got lost in the magic of the visuals at many points in the film. From the star destroyer grave through to lush woodland, every shot is just gorgeous. I would have been happy for the film to have just focused on that wrecked star destroyer - I mean wow what an awesome concept to go explore right?

From the star destroyer grave through to lush woodland, every shot is just gorgeous.

I was also very very excited to see Puzzle Wood being used in one set of sequences - this is an amazing Roman open cast iron ore mine in the Forest of Dean and I've been to walk in it many times. I literally wanted to get up and shout I'VE BEEN THERE, but no one likes a crazy at a film, right?

It's so hard to not give anything away whilst writing a review of this film - SOOOO much I want to discuss... but I don't want to spoil it for you guys. Is it better than Empire? No. Is it better than Jedi? I'd say it's a close run thing. It might just be and boy what an accolade that is.

Go see it. Enjoy it. Love it. Let your inner child embrace it. I did and I'm not afraid to admit it.

May the Force be with you.

Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

I went to a midnight screening of SW:RotS last night.

So does it live up to the hype? Was it better than the prequels? Is it a fitting continuation of the original films? Should you go see it? Am I really tired?

Yes. Omg yes. Totally yes. Absolutely yes. Yes.

There's also a good mix of old and new characters - on both sides. There's no filler characters here either. No Jar Jar role. Although BB-8 did concern me when he was first introduced, it could have so easily been a complete disaster there, but luckily it's not. He's not going to take R2s crown, but he's definitely right up there.

The set pieces are stunning. I got lost in the magic of the visuals at many points in the film. From the star destroyer grave through to lush woodland, every shot is just gorgeous. I would have been happy for the film to have just focused on that wrecked star destroyer - I mean wow what an awesome concept to go explore right?

From the star destroyer grave through to lush woodland, every shot is just gorgeous.

I was also very very excited to see Puzzle Wood being used in one set of sequences - this is an amazing Roman open cast iron ore mine in the Forest of Dean and I've been to walk in it many times. I literally wanted to get up and shout I'VE BEEN THERE, but no one likes a crazy at a film, right?

It's so hard to not give anything away whilst writing a review of this film - SOOOO much I want to discuss... but I don't want to spoil it for you guys. Is it better than Empire? No. Is it better than Jedi? I'd say it's a close run thing. It might just be and boy what an accolade that is.

Go see it. Enjoy it. Love it. Let your inner child embrace it. I did and I'm not afraid to admit it.

May the Force be with you.

Forum / Senior Members

March Thumbshare

You guys know the drill. Three of mine for three of yours, and they've got to be recent (think within a month, or your three most recent images). Here are mine:

Forum / Senior Members

March Thumbshare

You guys know the drill. Three of mine for three of yours, and they've got to be recent (think within a month, or your three most recent images). Here are mine:

Forum / Senior Members

March Thumbshare

You guys know the drill. Three of mine for three of yours, and they've got to be recent (think within a month, or your three most recent images). Here are mine:

Forum / Senior Members

March Thumbshare

You guys know the drill. Three of mine for three of yours, and they've got to be recent (think within a month, or your three most recent images). Here are mine:


posted a critique.

Oubliette by zilla774

I'm surprised to be among the first to comment on this, it's a really awesome piece and it's probably just the case that people are generally very much in awe of it's awesomeness! :) There's a lot that I like about this, the design of the freaky creature (or whatever it is!), the atmosphere, and the simple yet effective casing/shelving around it .. it's really got the feeling of having been there a long, long time.. and also of it seeping/breaking out of it's container... perhaps to quietly infect (maybe even poison?) the world around it.

The composition is great and feels natural, more like a photograph than a painting, like a snap-shot of some weird oddity on a shelf in some forgotten museum of horrors somewhere. The subject makes a heart shape, suggesting a subtext of emotional disconnectedness, or forgotten emotions/relationships.

I also like that I can see the mix of styles here, both yours, Zdzislaw Beksinski's and maybe even a bit of Giger too? It all knits very effectively together, I must say.

All in all there really isn't much I dislike about this piece mate, an Oubliette may be (as Hoggle says in the labyrinth) "a place to put people to forget about them", but this is certainly a painting to remember!

Congrats and thanks for sharing! :)


posted a critique.

Oubliette by zilla774

I'm surprised to be among the first to comment on this, it's a really awesome piece and it's probably just the case that people are generally very much in awe of it's awesomeness! :) There's a lot that I like about this, the design of the freaky creature (or whatever it is!), the atmosphere, and the simple yet effective casing/shelving around it .. it's really got the feeling of having been there a long, long time.. and also of it seeping/breaking out of it's container... perhaps to quietly infect (maybe even poison?) the world around it.

The composition is great and feels natural, more like a photograph than a painting, like a snap-shot of some weird oddity on a shelf in some forgotten museum of horrors somewhere. The subject makes a heart shape, suggesting a subtext of emotional disconnectedness, or forgotten emotions/relationships.

I also like that I can see the mix of styles here, both yours, Zdzislaw Beksinski's and maybe even a bit of Giger too? It all knits very effectively together, I must say.

All in all there really isn't much I dislike about this piece mate, an Oubliette may be (as Hoggle says in the labyrinth) "a place to put people to forget about them", but this is certainly a painting to remember!

Congrats and thanks for sharing! :)


posted a critique.

Oubliette by zilla774

I'm surprised to be among the first to comment on this, it's a really awesome piece and it's probably just the case that people are generally very much in awe of it's awesomeness! :) There's a lot that I like about this, the design of the freaky creature (or whatever it is!), the atmosphere, and the simple yet effective casing/shelving around it .. it's really got the feeling of having been there a long, long time.. and also of it seeping/breaking out of it's container... perhaps to quietly infect (maybe even poison?) the world around it.

The composition is great and feels natural, more like a photograph than a painting, like a snap-shot of some weird oddity on a shelf in some forgotten museum of horrors somewhere. The subject makes a heart shape, suggesting a subtext of emotional disconnectedness, or forgotten emotions/relationships.

I also like that I can see the mix of styles here, both yours, Zdzislaw Beksinski's and maybe even a bit of Giger too? It all knits very effectively together, I must say.

All in all there really isn't much I dislike about this piece mate, an Oubliette may be (as Hoggle says in the labyrinth) "a place to put people to forget about them", but this is certainly a painting to remember!

Congrats and thanks for sharing! :)


posted a critique.

Oubliette by zilla774

I'm surprised to be among the first to comment on this, it's a really awesome piece and it's probably just the case that people are generally very much in awe of it's awesomeness! :) There's a lot that I like about this, the design of the freaky creature (or whatever it is!), the atmosphere, and the simple yet effective casing/shelving around it .. it's really got the feeling of having been there a long, long time.. and also of it seeping/breaking out of it's container... perhaps to quietly infect (maybe even poison?) the world around it.

The composition is great and feels natural, more like a photograph than a painting, like a snap-shot of some weird oddity on a shelf in some forgotten museum of horrors somewhere. The subject makes a heart shape, suggesting a subtext of emotional disconnectedness, or forgotten emotions/relationships.

I also like that I can see the mix of styles here, both yours, Zdzislaw Beksinski's and maybe even a bit of Giger too? It all knits very effectively together, I must say.

All in all there really isn't much I dislike about this piece mate, an Oubliette may be (as Hoggle says in the labyrinth) "a place to put people to forget about them", but this is certainly a painting to remember!

Congrats and thanks for sharing! :)

NormalBearPower has changed their username to



Stares into your soul - 50x50 pixel icon


Remember to include picture/reference of your character!
I can draw animals and humans!! \( 'u' )/

NormalBearPower has changed their username to



Stares into your soul - 50x50 pixel icon


Remember to include picture/reference of your character!
I can draw animals and humans!! \( 'u' )/

Stares into your soul - 50x50 pixel icon


Remember to include picture/reference of your character!
I can draw animals and humans!! \( 'u' )/

Stares into your soul - 50x50 pixel icon


Remember to include picture/reference of your character!
I can draw animals and humans!! \( 'u' )/

  • Star Wars: A New Hope

    I went to a midnight screening of SW:ANH last night.

    So does it live up to the hype? Was it better than the prequels? Is it a fitting continuation of the original films? Should you go see it? Am I really tired?

    Yes. Omg yes. Totally yes. Absolutely yes. Yes.

    There's also a good mix of old and new characters - on both sides. There's no filler characters here either. No Jar Jar role. Although BB-8 did concern me when he was first introduced, it could have so easily been a complete disaster there, but luckily it's not. He's not going to take R2s crown, but he's definitely right up there.

    The set pieces are stunning. I got lost in the magic of the visuals at many points in the film. From the star destroyer grave through to lush woodland, every shot is just gorgeous. I would have been happy for the film to have just focused on that wrecked star destroyer - I mean wow what an awesome concept to go explore right?

    I was also very very excited to see Puzzle Wood being used in one set of sequences - this is an amazing Roman open cast iron ore mine in the Forest of Dean and I've been to walk in it many times. I literally wanted to get up and shout I'VE BEEN THERE, but no one likes a crazy at a film, right?

    It's so hard to not give anything away whilst writing a review of this film - SOOOO much I want to discuss... but I don't want to spoil it for you guys. Is it better than Empire? No. Is it better than Jedi? I'd say it's a close run thing. It might just be and boy what an accolade that is.

    Go see it. Enjoy it. Love it. Let your inner child embrace it. I did and I'm not afraid to admit it.

    May the Force be with you.

This folder is empty

This folder is empty

  • Star Wars: A New Hope

    I went to a midnight screening of SW:ANH last night.

    So does it live up to the hype? Was it better than the prequels? Is it a fitting continuation of the original films? Should you go see it? Am I really tired?

    Yes. Omg yes. Totally yes. Absolutely yes. Yes.

    There's also a good mix of old and new characters - on both sides. There's no filler characters here either. No Jar Jar role. Although BB-8 did concern me when he was first introduced, it could have so easily been a complete disaster there, but luckily it's not. He's not going to take R2s crown, but he's definitely right up there.

    The set pieces are stunning. I got lost in the magic of the visuals at many points in the film. From the star destroyer grave through to lush woodland, every shot is just gorgeous. I would have been happy for the film to have just focused on that wrecked star destroyer - I mean wow what an awesome concept to go explore right?

    I was also very very excited to see Puzzle Wood being used in one set of sequences - this is an amazing Roman open cast iron ore mine in the Forest of Dean and I've been to walk in it many times. I literally wanted to get up and shout I'VE BEEN THERE, but no one likes a crazy at a film, right?

    It's so hard to not give anything away whilst writing a review of this film - SOOOO much I want to discuss... but I don't want to spoil it for you guys. Is it better than Empire? No. Is it better than Jedi? I'd say it's a close run thing. It might just be and boy what an accolade that is.

    Go see it. Enjoy it. Love it. Let your inner child embrace it. I did and I'm not afraid to admit it.

    May the Force be with you.

  • Star Wars: A New Hope

    I went to a midnight screening of SW:ANH last night.

    So does it live up to the hype? Was it better than the prequels? Is it a fitting continuation of the original films? Should you go see it? Am I really tired?

    Yes. Omg yes. Totally yes. Absolutely yes. Yes.

    There's also a good mix of old and new characters - on both sides. There's no filler characters here either. No Jar Jar role. Although BB-8 did concern me when he was first introduced, it could have so easily been a complete disaster there, but luckily it's not. He's not going to take R2s crown, but he's definitely right up there.

    The set pieces are stunning. I got lost in the magic of the visuals at many points in the film. From the star destroyer grave through to lush woodland, every shot is just gorgeous. I would have been happy for the film to have just focused on that wrecked star destroyer - I mean wow what an awesome concept to go explore right?

    From the star destroyer grave through to lush woodland, every shot is just gorgeous.

    I was also very very excited to see Puzzle Wood being used in one set of sequences - this is an amazing Roman open cast iron ore mine in the Forest of Dean and I've been to walk in it many times. I literally wanted to get up and shout I'VE BEEN THERE, but no one likes a crazy at a film, right?

    It's so hard to not give anything away whilst writing a review of this film - SOOOO much I want to discuss... but I don't want to spoil it for you guys. Is it better than Empire? No. Is it better than Jedi? I'd say it's a close run thing. It might just be and boy what an accolade that is.

    Go see it. Enjoy it. Love it. Let your inner child embrace it. I did and I'm not afraid to admit it.

    May the Force be with you.

    Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

    I went to a midnight screening of SW:TESB last night.

    So does it live up to the hype? Was it better than the prequels? Is it a fitting continuation of the original films? Should you go see it? Am I really tired?

    Yes. Omg yes. Totally yes. Absolutely yes. Yes.

    There's also a good mix of old and new characters - on both sides. There's no filler characters here either. No Jar Jar role. Although BB-8 did concern me when he was first introduced, it could have so easily been a complete disaster there, but luckily it's not. He's not going to take R2s crown, but he's definitely right up there.

    The set pieces are stunning. I got lost in the magic of the visuals at many points in the film. From the star destroyer grave through to lush woodland, every shot is just gorgeous. I would have been happy for the film to have just focused on that wrecked star destroyer - I mean wow what an awesome concept to go explore right?

    From the star destroyer grave through to lush woodland, every shot is just gorgeous.

    I was also very very excited to see Puzzle Wood being used in one set of sequences - this is an amazing Roman open cast iron ore mine in the Forest of Dean and I've been to walk in it many times. I literally wanted to get up and shout I'VE BEEN THERE, but no one likes a crazy at a film, right?

    It's so hard to not give anything away whilst writing a review of this film - SOOOO much I want to discuss... but I don't want to spoil it for you guys. Is it better than Empire? No. Is it better than Jedi? I'd say it's a close run thing. It might just be and boy what an accolade that is.

    Go see it. Enjoy it. Love it. Let your inner child embrace it. I did and I'm not afraid to admit it.

    May the Force be with you.

    Star Wars: Return of the Jedi

    I went to a midnight screening of SW:RotJ last night.

    So does it live up to the hype? Was it better than the prequels? Is it a fitting continuation of the original films? Should you go see it? Am I really tired?

    Yes. Omg yes. Totally yes. Absolutely yes. Yes.

    There's also a good mix of old and new characters - on both sides. There's no filler characters here either. No Jar Jar role. Although BB-8 did concern me when he was first introduced, it could have so easily been a complete disaster there, but luckily it's not. He's not going to take R2s crown, but he's definitely right up there.

    The set pieces are stunning. I got lost in the magic of the visuals at many points in the film. From the star destroyer grave through to lush woodland, every shot is just gorgeous. I would have been happy for the film to have just focused on that wrecked star destroyer - I mean wow what an awesome concept to go explore right?

    From the star destroyer grave through to lush woodland, every shot is just gorgeous.

    I was also very very excited to see Puzzle Wood being used in one set of sequences - this is an amazing Roman open cast iron ore mine in the Forest of Dean and I've been to walk in it many times. I literally wanted to get up and shout I'VE BEEN THERE, but no one likes a crazy at a film, right?

    It's so hard to not give anything away whilst writing a review of this film - SOOOO much I want to discuss... but I don't want to spoil it for you guys. Is it better than Empire? No. Is it better than Jedi? I'd say it's a close run thing. It might just be and boy what an accolade that is.

    Go see it. Enjoy it. Love it. Let your inner child embrace it. I did and I'm not afraid to admit it.

    May the Force be with you.

    Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

    I went to a midnight screening of SW:TPM last night.

    So does it live up to the hype? Was it better than the prequels? Is it a fitting continuation of the original films? Should you go see it? Am I really tired?

    Yes. Omg yes. Totally yes. Absolutely yes. Yes.

    There's also a good mix of old and new characters - on both sides. There's no filler characters here either. No Jar Jar role. Although BB-8 did concern me when he was first introduced, it could have so easily been a complete disaster there, but luckily it's not. He's not going to take R2s crown, but he's definitely right up there.

    The set pieces are stunning. I got lost in the magic of the visuals at many points in the film. From the star destroyer grave through to lush woodland, every shot is just gorgeous. I would have been happy for the film to have just focused on that wrecked star destroyer - I mean wow what an awesome concept to go explore right?

    From the star destroyer grave through to lush woodland, every shot is just gorgeous.

    I was also very very excited to see Puzzle Wood being used in one set of sequences - this is an amazing Roman open cast iron ore mine in the Forest of Dean and I've been to walk in it many times. I literally wanted to get up and shout I'VE BEEN THERE, but no one likes a crazy at a film, right?

    It's so hard to not give anything away whilst writing a review of this film - SOOOO much I want to discuss... but I don't want to spoil it for you guys. Is it better than Empire? No. Is it better than Jedi? I'd say it's a close run thing. It might just be and boy what an accolade that is.

    Go see it. Enjoy it. Love it. Let your inner child embrace it. I did and I'm not afraid to admit it.

    May the Force be with you.

    Star Wars: Attack of the Clones

    I went to a midnight screening of SW:AotC last night.

    So does it live up to the hype? Was it better than the prequels? Is it a fitting continuation of the original films? Should you go see it? Am I really tired?

    Yes. Omg yes. Totally yes. Absolutely yes. Yes.

    There's also a good mix of old and new characters - on both sides. There's no filler characters here either. No Jar Jar role. Although BB-8 did concern me when he was first introduced, it could have so easily been a complete disaster there, but luckily it's not. He's not going to take R2s crown, but he's definitely right up there.

    The set pieces are stunning. I got lost in the magic of the visuals at many points in the film. From the star destroyer grave through to lush woodland, every shot is just gorgeous. I would have been happy for the film to have just focused on that wrecked star destroyer - I mean wow what an awesome concept to go explore right?

    From the star destroyer grave through to lush woodland, every shot is just gorgeous.

    I was also very very excited to see Puzzle Wood being used in one set of sequences - this is an amazing Roman open cast iron ore mine in the Forest of Dean and I've been to walk in it many times. I literally wanted to get up and shout I'VE BEEN THERE, but no one likes a crazy at a film, right?

    It's so hard to not give anything away whilst writing a review of this film - SOOOO much I want to discuss... but I don't want to spoil it for you guys. Is it better than Empire? No. Is it better than Jedi? I'd say it's a close run thing. It might just be and boy what an accolade that is.

    Go see it. Enjoy it. Love it. Let your inner child embrace it. I did and I'm not afraid to admit it.

    May the Force be with you.

    Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

    I went to a midnight screening of SW:RotS last night.

    So does it live up to the hype? Was it better than the prequels? Is it a fitting continuation of the original films? Should you go see it? Am I really tired?

    Yes. Omg yes. Totally yes. Absolutely yes. Yes.

    There's also a good mix of old and new characters - on both sides. There's no filler characters here either. No Jar Jar role. Although BB-8 did concern me when he was first introduced, it could have so easily been a complete disaster there, but luckily it's not. He's not going to take R2s crown, but he's definitely right up there.

    The set pieces are stunning. I got lost in the magic of the visuals at many points in the film. From the star destroyer grave through to lush woodland, every shot is just gorgeous. I would have been happy for the film to have just focused on that wrecked star destroyer - I mean wow what an awesome concept to go explore right?

    From the star destroyer grave through to lush woodland, every shot is just gorgeous.

    I was also very very excited to see Puzzle Wood being used in one set of sequences - this is an amazing Roman open cast iron ore mine in the Forest of Dean and I've been to walk in it many times. I literally wanted to get up and shout I'VE BEEN THERE, but no one likes a crazy at a film, right?

    It's so hard to not give anything away whilst writing a review of this film - SOOOO much I want to discuss... but I don't want to spoil it for you guys. Is it better than Empire? No. Is it better than Jedi? I'd say it's a close run thing. It might just be and boy what an accolade that is.

    Go see it. Enjoy it. Love it. Let your inner child embrace it. I did and I'm not afraid to admit it.

    May the Force be with you.

  • superbearpower

    posted a critique.

    Oubliette by zilla774

    I'm surprised to be among the first to comment on this, it's a really awesome piece and it's probably just the case that people are generally very much in awe of it's awesomeness! :) There's a lot that I like about this, the design of the freaky creature (or whatever it is!), the atmosphere, and the simple yet effective casing/shelving around it .. it's really got the feeling of having been there a long, long time.. and also of it seeping/breaking out of it's container... perhaps to quietly infect (maybe even poison?) the world around it.

    The composition is great and feels natural, more like a photograph than a painting, like a snap-shot of some weird oddity on a shelf in some forgotten museum of horrors somewhere. The subject makes a heart shape, suggesting a subtext of emotional disconnectedness, or forgotten emotions/relationships.

    I also like that I can see the mix of styles here, both yours, Zdzislaw Beksinski's and maybe even a bit of Giger too? It all knits very effectively together, I must say.

    All in all there really isn't much I dislike about this piece mate, an Oubliette may be (as Hoggle says in the labyrinth) "a place to put people to forget about them", but this is certainly a painting to remember!

    Congrats and thanks for sharing! :)

  • superbearpower

    posted a critique.

    Oubliette by zilla774

    I'm surprised to be among the first to comment on this, it's a really awesome piece and it's probably just the case that people are generally very much in awe of it's awesomeness! :) There's a lot that I like about this, the design of the freaky creature (or whatever it is!), the atmosphere, and the simple yet effective casing/shelving around it .. it's really got the feeling of having been there a long, long time.. and also of it seeping/breaking out of it's container... perhaps to quietly infect (maybe even poison?) the world around it.

    The composition is great and feels natural, more like a photograph than a painting, like a snap-shot of some weird oddity on a shelf in some forgotten museum of horrors somewhere. The subject makes a heart shape, suggesting a subtext of emotional disconnectedness, or forgotten emotions/relationships.

    I also like that I can see the mix of styles here, both yours, Zdzislaw Beksinski's and maybe even a bit of Giger too? It all knits very effectively together, I must say.

    All in all there really isn't much I dislike about this piece mate, an Oubliette may be (as Hoggle says in the labyrinth) "a place to put people to forget about them", but this is certainly a painting to remember!

    Congrats and thanks for sharing! :)


    posted a critique.

    Oubliette by zilla774

    I'm surprised to be among the first to comment on this, it's a really awesome piece and it's probably just the case that people are generally very much in awe of it's awesomeness! :) There's a lot that I like about this, the design of the freaky creature (or whatever it is!), the atmosphere, and the simple yet effective casing/shelving around it .. it's really got the feeling of having been there a long, long time.. and also of it seeping/breaking out of it's container... perhaps to quietly infect (maybe even poison?) the world around it.

    The composition is great and feels natural, more like a photograph than a painting, like a snap-shot of some weird oddity on a shelf in some forgotten museum of horrors somewhere. The subject makes a heart shape, suggesting a subtext of emotional disconnectedness, or forgotten emotions/relationships.

    I also like that I can see the mix of styles here, both yours, Zdzislaw Beksinski's and maybe even a bit of Giger too? It all knits very effectively together, I must say.

    All in all there really isn't much I dislike about this piece mate, an Oubliette may be (as Hoggle says in the labyrinth) "a place to put people to forget about them", but this is certainly a painting to remember!

    Congrats and thanks for sharing! :)


    posted a critique.

    Oubliette by zilla774

    I'm surprised to be among the first to comment on this, it's a really awesome piece and it's probably just the case that people are generally very much in awe of it's awesomeness! :) There's a lot that I like about this, the design of the freaky creature (or whatever it is!), the atmosphere, and the simple yet effective casing/shelving around it .. it's really got the feeling of having been there a long, long time.. and also of it seeping/breaking out of it's container... perhaps to quietly infect (maybe even poison?) the world around it.

    The composition is great and feels natural, more like a photograph than a painting, like a snap-shot of some weird oddity on a shelf in some forgotten museum of horrors somewhere. The subject makes a heart shape, suggesting a subtext of emotional disconnectedness, or forgotten emotions/relationships.

    I also like that I can see the mix of styles here, both yours, Zdzislaw Beksinski's and maybe even a bit of Giger too? It all knits very effectively together, I must say.

    All in all there really isn't much I dislike about this piece mate, an Oubliette may be (as Hoggle says in the labyrinth) "a place to put people to forget about them", but this is certainly a painting to remember!

    Congrats and thanks for sharing! :)

ZOMG I love this. Although it needs more cats. Yes, cats. More. Definitely more cats. And Boots. And Cats. Boots and cats and boots and catsandbootsandcatsandboots...

Pepper Christmas

126 new comments.
ZOMG I love this. Although it needs more cats. Yes, cats. More. Definitely more cats. And Boots. And Cats. Boots and cats and boots and catsandbootsandcatsandboots...
ZOMG I love this. Although it needs more cats. Yes, cats. More. Definitely more cats. And Boots. And Cats. Boots and cats and boots and catsandbootsandcatsandboots...
ZOMG I love this. Although it needs more cats. Yes, cats. More. Definitely more cats. And Boots. And Cats. Boots and cats and boots and catsandbootsandcatsandboots...
You know, it's really useful to see the process of creation for this piece, especially the redline step. It's very useful to see how this works and to be able to learn from it

thank you so much!
You mean the mistakes? That's awesome to know that its useful. I always thought it would be something people should find constructive.


Your Comment

4 new replies on your comment on Pepper Christmas by Artgerm.
You know, it's really useful to see the process of creation for this piece, especially the redline step. It's very useful to see how this works and to be able to learn from it

thank you so much!
ZOMG I love this. Although it needs more cats. Yes, cats. More. Definitely more cats. And Boots. And Cats. Boots and cats and boots and catsandbootsandcatsandboots...
ZOMG I love this. Although it needs more cats. Yes, cats. More. Definitely more cats. And Boots. And Cats. Boots and cats and boots and catsandbootsandcatsandboots...
ZOMG I love this. Although it needs more cats. Yes, cats. More. Definitely more cats. And Boots. And Cats. Boots and cats and boots and catsandbootsandcatsandboots...


posted a critique on Oubliette.
Is this critique fair?
Clicking FAIR will display the critique below your deviation. Thank you, the critique is now available to view on your deviation. Please give a reason why you believe this to be unfair Your feedback will be sent to the critic. Submit Thank you, your feedback has been sent to the critic.

I'm surprised to be among the first to comment on this, it's a really awesome piece and it's probably just the case that people are generally very much in awe of it's awesomeness! :) There's a lot that I like about this, the design of the freaky creature (or whatever it is!), the atmosphere, and the simple yet effective casing/shelving around it .. it's really got the feeling of having been there a long, long time.. and also of it seeping/breaking out of it's container... perhaps to quietly infect (maybe even poison?) the world around it.

The composition is great and feels natural, more like a photograph than a painting, like a snap-shot of some weird oddity on a shelf in some forgotten museum of horrors somewhere. The subject makes a heart shape, suggesting a subtext of emotional disconnectedness, or forgotten emotions/relationships.

I also like that I can see the mix of styles here, both yours, Zdzislaw Beksinski's and maybe even a bit of Giger too? It all knits very effectively together, I must say.

All in all there really isn't much I dislike about this piece mate, an Oubliette may be (as Hoggle says in the labyrinth) "a place to put people to forget about them", but this is certainly a painting to remember!

Congrats and thanks for sharing! :)


posted a critique on Oubliette.
Is this critique fair?
Clicking FAIR will display the critique below your deviation. Thank you, the critique is now available to view on your deviation. Please give a reason why you believe this to be unfair Your feedback will be sent to the critic. Submit Thank you, your feedback has been sent to the critic.

I'm surprised to be among the first to comment on this, it's a really awesome piece and it's probably just the case that people are generally very much in awe of it's awesomeness! :) There's a lot that I like about this, the design of the freaky creature (or whatever it is!), the atmosphere, and the simple yet effective casing/shelving around it .. it's really got the feeling of having been there a long, long time.. and also of it seeping/breaking out of it's container... perhaps to quietly infect (maybe even poison?) the world around it.

The composition is great and feels natural, more like a photograph than a painting, like a snap-shot of some weird oddity on a shelf in some forgotten museum of horrors somewhere. The subject makes a heart shape, suggesting a subtext of emotional disconnectedness, or forgotten emotions/relationships.

I also like that I can see the mix of styles here, both yours, Zdzislaw Beksinski's and maybe even a bit of Giger too? It all knits very effectively together, I must say.

All in all there really isn't much I dislike about this piece mate, an Oubliette may be (as Hoggle says in the labyrinth) "a place to put people to forget about them", but this is certainly a painting to remember!

Congrats and thanks for sharing! :)


posted a critique on Oubliette.
Is this critique fair?
Clicking FAIR will display the critique below your deviation. Thank you, the critique is now available to view on your deviation. Please give a reason why you believe this to be unfair Your feedback will be sent to the critic. Submit Thank you, your feedback has been sent to the critic.

I'm surprised to be among the first to comment on this, it's a really awesome piece and it's probably just the case that people are generally very much in awe of it's awesomeness! :) There's a lot that I like about this, the design of the freaky creature (or whatever it is!), the atmosphere, and the simple yet effective casing/shelving around it .. it's really got the feeling of having been there a long, long time.. and also of it seeping/breaking out of it's container... perhaps to quietly infect (maybe even poison?) the world around it.

The composition is great and feels natural, more like a photograph than a painting, like a snap-shot of some weird oddity on a shelf in some forgotten museum of horrors somewhere. The subject makes a heart shape, suggesting a subtext of emotional disconnectedness, or forgotten emotions/relationships.

I also like that I can see the mix of styles here, both yours, Zdzislaw Beksinski's and maybe even a bit of Giger too? It all knits very effectively together, I must say.

All in all there really isn't much I dislike about this piece mate, an Oubliette may be (as Hoggle says in the labyrinth) "a place to put people to forget about them", but this is certainly a painting to remember!

Congrats and thanks for sharing! :)


posted a critique on Oubliette.
Is this critique fair?
Clicking FAIR will display the critique below your deviation. Thank you, the critique is now available to view on your deviation. Please give a reason why you believe this to be unfair Your feedback will be sent to the critic. Submit Thank you, your feedback has been sent to the critic.

I'm surprised to be among the first to comment on this, it's a really awesome piece and it's probably just the case that people are generally very much in awe of it's awesomeness! :) There's a lot that I like about this, the design of the freaky creature (or whatever it is!), the atmosphere, and the simple yet effective casing/shelving around it .. it's really got the feeling of having been there a long, long time.. and also of it seeping/breaking out of it's container... perhaps to quietly infect (maybe even poison?) the world around it.

The composition is great and feels natural, more like a photograph than a painting, like a snap-shot of some weird oddity on a shelf in some forgotten museum of horrors somewhere. The subject makes a heart shape, suggesting a subtext of emotional disconnectedness, or forgotten emotions/relationships.

I also like that I can see the mix of styles here, both yours, Zdzislaw Beksinski's and maybe even a bit of Giger too? It all knits very effectively together, I must say.

All in all there really isn't much I dislike about this piece mate, an Oubliette may be (as Hoggle says in the labyrinth) "a place to put people to forget about them", but this is certainly a painting to remember!

Congrats and thanks for sharing! :)

Stamp Template

1 new comment mention on StampyMcStampface by starvingartist.


1 new comment mention on StampyMcStampface by starvingartist.

Stamp Template

1 new deviation mention in Whisper Stamp by superbearpower.
Thanks for viewing Whisper Stamp. It all wouldn't be possible without this:


1 new deviation mention in Whisper Stamp by superbearpower.
starvingartist really inspired me to create this. A volcano spewing ash, magical forest fireflies, and a monkey who feels just like we all do about winter weather. These are just a few of the remarkable photos from the Smithsonian’s annual photo contest.

Stamp Template

Mentioned by superbearpower in a journal:

Star Wars: A New Hope

I went to a midnight screening of SW:ANH last night.

So does it live up to the hype? Was it better than the prequels? Is it a fitting continuation of the original films? Should you go see it? Am I really tired?


Mentioned by superbearpower in a journal:

Star Wars: A New Hope

I went to a midnight screening of SW:ANH last night.

So does it live up to the hype? Was it better than the prequels? Is it a fitting continuation of the original films? Should you go see it? Am I really tired?

  • superbearpower

    posted a critique on Oubliette.
    Is this critique fair?
    Clicking FAIR will display the critique below your deviation. Thank you, the critique is now available to view on your deviation. Please give a reason why you believe this to be unfair Your feedback will be sent to the critic. Submit Thank you, your feedback has been sent to the critic.

    I'm surprised to be among the first to comment on this, it's a really awesome piece and it's probably just the case that people are generally very much in awe of it's awesomeness! :) There's a lot that I like about this, the design of the freaky creature (or whatever it is!), the atmosphere, and the simple yet effective casing/shelving around it .. it's really got the feeling of having been there a long, long time.. and also of it seeping/breaking out of it's container... perhaps to quietly infect (maybe even poison?) the world around it.

    The composition is great and feels natural, more like a photograph than a painting, like a snap-shot of some weird oddity on a shelf in some forgotten museum of horrors somewhere. The subject makes a heart shape, suggesting a subtext of emotional disconnectedness, or forgotten emotions/relationships.

    I also like that I can see the mix of styles here, both yours, Zdzislaw Beksinski's and maybe even a bit of Giger too? It all knits very effectively together, I must say.

    All in all there really isn't much I dislike about this piece mate, an Oubliette may be (as Hoggle says in the labyrinth) "a place to put people to forget about them", but this is certainly a painting to remember!

    Congrats and thanks for sharing! :)

  • superbearpower

    posted a critique on Oubliette.
    Is this critique fair?
    Clicking FAIR will display the critique below your deviation. Thank you, the critique is now available to view on your deviation. Please give a reason why you believe this to be unfair Your feedback will be sent to the critic. Submit Thank you, your feedback has been sent to the critic.

    I'm surprised to be among the first to comment on this, it's a really awesome piece and it's probably just the case that people are generally very much in awe of it's awesomeness! :) There's a lot that I like about this, the design of the freaky creature (or whatever it is!), the atmosphere, and the simple yet effective casing/shelving around it .. it's really got the feeling of having been there a long, long time.. and also of it seeping/breaking out of it's container... perhaps to quietly infect (maybe even poison?) the world around it.

    The composition is great and feels natural, more like a photograph than a painting, like a snap-shot of some weird oddity on a shelf in some forgotten museum of horrors somewhere. The subject makes a heart shape, suggesting a subtext of emotional disconnectedness, or forgotten emotions/relationships.

    I also like that I can see the mix of styles here, both yours, Zdzislaw Beksinski's and maybe even a bit of Giger too? It all knits very effectively together, I must say.

    All in all there really isn't much I dislike about this piece mate, an Oubliette may be (as Hoggle says in the labyrinth) "a place to put people to forget about them", but this is certainly a painting to remember!

    Congrats and thanks for sharing! :)


    posted a critique on Oubliette.
    Is this critique fair?
    Clicking FAIR will display the critique below your deviation. Thank you, the critique is now available to view on your deviation. Please give a reason why you believe this to be unfair Your feedback will be sent to the critic. Submit Thank you, your feedback has been sent to the critic.

    I'm surprised to be among the first to comment on this, it's a really awesome piece and it's probably just the case that people are generally very much in awe of it's awesomeness! :) There's a lot that I like about this, the design of the freaky creature (or whatever it is!), the atmosphere, and the simple yet effective casing/shelving around it .. it's really got the feeling of having been there a long, long time.. and also of it seeping/breaking out of it's container... perhaps to quietly infect (maybe even poison?) the world around it.

    The composition is great and feels natural, more like a photograph than a painting, like a snap-shot of some weird oddity on a shelf in some forgotten museum of horrors somewhere. The subject makes a heart shape, suggesting a subtext of emotional disconnectedness, or forgotten emotions/relationships.

    I also like that I can see the mix of styles here, both yours, Zdzislaw Beksinski's and maybe even a bit of Giger too? It all knits very effectively together, I must say.

    All in all there really isn't much I dislike about this piece mate, an Oubliette may be (as Hoggle says in the labyrinth) "a place to put people to forget about them", but this is certainly a painting to remember!

    Congrats and thanks for sharing! :)


    posted a critique on Oubliette.
    Is this critique fair?
    Clicking FAIR will display the critique below your deviation. Thank you, the critique is now available to view on your deviation. Please give a reason why you believe this to be unfair Your feedback will be sent to the critic. Submit Thank you, your feedback has been sent to the critic.

    I'm surprised to be among the first to comment on this, it's a really awesome piece and it's probably just the case that people are generally very much in awe of it's awesomeness! :) There's a lot that I like about this, the design of the freaky creature (or whatever it is!), the atmosphere, and the simple yet effective casing/shelving around it .. it's really got the feeling of having been there a long, long time.. and also of it seeping/breaking out of it's container... perhaps to quietly infect (maybe even poison?) the world around it.

    The composition is great and feels natural, more like a photograph than a painting, like a snap-shot of some weird oddity on a shelf in some forgotten museum of horrors somewhere. The subject makes a heart shape, suggesting a subtext of emotional disconnectedness, or forgotten emotions/relationships.

    I also like that I can see the mix of styles here, both yours, Zdzislaw Beksinski's and maybe even a bit of Giger too? It all knits very effectively together, I must say.

    All in all there really isn't much I dislike about this piece mate, an Oubliette may be (as Hoggle says in the labyrinth) "a place to put people to forget about them", but this is certainly a painting to remember!

    Congrats and thanks for sharing! :)

  • Stamp Template

    Mentioned by superbearpower in a journal:

    Star Wars: A New Hope

    I went to a midnight screening of SW:ANH last night.

    So does it live up to the hype? Was it better than the prequels? Is it a fitting continuation of the original films? Should you go see it? Am I really tired?

  • You

    Mentioned by superbearpower in a journal:

    Star Wars: A New Hope

    I went to a midnight screening of SW:ANH last night.

    So does it live up to the hype? Was it better than the prequels? Is it a fitting continuation of the original films? Should you go see it? Am I really tired?

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Nephilium returned

I really like your work, nephilium returned. I've never purchased a print but am considering it for this piece. Question is how? Thanks Tim

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Re: Hey Mate

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Re: Hey Mate

Hey, I was wondering if you could get a new browser?

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Re: Hey Mate

Hey, I was wondering if you could get a new browser?

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Re: Hey Mate

Hey, I was wondering if you could get a new browser?

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Nephilium returned

I really like your work, nephilium returned. I've never purchased a print but am considering it for this piece. Question is how? Thanks Tim

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Re: Hey Mate

Hey, I was wondering if you could get a new browser?

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Re: Hey Mate

Hey, I was wondering if you could get a new browser?

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Re: Hey Mate

Hey, I was wondering if you could get a new browser?

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  • moondifter

    Nephilium returned

    I really like your work, nephilium returned. I've never purchased a print but am considering it for this piece. Question is how? Thanks Tim
  • moondifter

    Nephilium returned

    I really like your work, nephilium returned. I've never purchased a print but am considering it for this piece. Question is how? Thanks Tim
  • moondifter

    Nephilium returned

    I really like your work, nephilium returned. I've never purchased a print but am considering it for this piece. Question is how? Thanks Tim
  • moondifter

    Nephilium returned

    I really like your work, nephilium returned. I've never purchased a print but am considering it for this piece. Question is how? Thanks Tim
  • moondifter

    Nephilium returned

    I really like your work, nephilium returned. I've never purchased a print but am considering it for this piece. Question is how? Thanks Tim
  • moondifter

    Nephilium returned

    I really like your work, nephilium returned. I've never purchased a print but am considering it for this piece. Question is how? Thanks Tim
From: moondifter To: zilla774
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Nephilium returned

I really like your work, nephilium returned. I've never purchased a print but am considering it for this piece.

Question is how?



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